bli的包容性骄傲庆典:培养意识 & allyship


文化, 教育


性别、 性




bli, 全球营销公司, embarked on an inclusive Pride celebration that revolved around two key pillars: education and employee engagement. 在教育支柱下, 他们在这个月里举办了一系列活动, 包括骄傲主题的会议, employee-led讨论, and an external panel featuring members of the transgender community. 同时, they engaged employees with themed gifts and events such as plant pot painting, 晚上跟唱歌曲, 在不同的办公地点举办骄傲主题派对.


We wanted our Pride celebrations to be inclusive and authentic, representing the current challenges of the LGBTQIA+ community and engendering allyship. We wanted to educate and entertain bli employees to keep them engaged in the conversation and deepen their allyship. Instead of using the core DEI leads plan we began with a brainstorm with LGBTQIA+ employees to ascertain the most relevant themes and ensure the month addressed any internal or external challenges.



We developed our strategy based on two core pillars: an educational approach and an employee engagement pillar. 对于教育支柱, we hosted several events throughout the month to shine a light on all the topics surrounding the LGBTQIA+ community, 包括:

  • Two Pride theme sessions during our weekly all-hands meeting to educate our team in an informative and dynamic way, going from an introduction to the history of Pride and LGBTQIA+ rights to engaging quizzes. 

  • An employee-led fireside chat where members of bli based in Portugal, 英国和香港分享了各自的经验. 他们讨论出柜, 社会偏见, 工作经历, 以及我们如何成为更好的盟友
  • An incredible external panel with Fred Langridge and Carmel Fleur, 谁都是跨性别群体的成员, 由凯利·雅各布森·柯林斯主持, 弗雷德和卡梅尔分享了他们对身份的看法, 职业生涯, 恐惧 & 误解, 不平等, 如何成为一个更好的盟友, and steps that bli and other companies can take to be more inclusive.

For our employee engagement pillars, we ran several events and sent out themed gifts to our team:

  • 在全球范围内,我们送出了美味的糖果.g. 托尼的chocolonely, biscuits and cupcakes) with a special bli branded Pride image which went down fantastically. 
  • 在英国, 我们把每月的酒会变成了骄傲节主题特色菜, starting with plant pot painting and bracelet making in the office before heading off to Soho for a FABULOUS sing-along evening of west-end tunes. A few of us were even #brave and did a few duets of our own for the audience!
  • 在孟买, a pride-themed party was organised where team members painted t-shirts with wonderful pride messages. The team's monthly meetings were turned into tea parties with pride-themed sweet treats in other locations.


而不是使用核心DEI导致计划, we brainstormed with LGBTQIA+ employees to ascertain the most relevant themes and ensure the month addressed any internal or external challenges. We also secured a small amount of budget so that our ideas weren’t limited to solely no-cost initiatives. 

Who are the internal business partners you brought on board? Are there any external stakeholders you spoke to for advice?

Internally support came from our LGBTQIA+ employees, People team and Rise committee. bli首席执行官Greg Isbister是DEI倡议的发起人.

We had external Trans speakers who shared their expertise and lived experiences 和每个人.


  • 我们的员工花时间计划和运行会议
  • Budget for sweet treats, nights out and the Trans Awareness panel


We have scheduled focussed sessions throughout the year examining current issues for the LGBTQIA+ community to raise awareness of the ongoing challenges. Based on that, we are able to define and create events with inclusivity in mind.


  • Much greater awareness of the challenges faced by the Trans community, including an increased understanding of questions that should and shouldn’t be asked by colleagues 
  • A better understanding of how to be an active ally for the LGBTQIA+ community and colleagues 
  • Created a safe space to share personal stories and celebrate differences within the company


Inclusivity is about engaging with the community as much as you can. 所以不要总是依赖于执行团队, 我们可以而且应该与社区成员接触. 所以如果我们在谈论骄傲, we need to rely on our LGBTQIA+ employees to voice their own experiences and concerns. 在斋月,与你的穆斯林员工交流等等. You can be the most passionate and compassionate ally but you simply don’t have the lived experience to execute truly

How will you make the benefit of this initiative or campaign endure?

By taking the learnings around inclusion and a balanced schedule of events forward into other DEI events. By continuing to engage and support our LGBTQIA colleagues and refusing only to celebrate them once a year


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